
7625 2nd St NW Building C Albuquerque, NM 87107

(505) 867-3283


Eaten in recommended portions, jerky can be a healthy snack. Vigil’s beef jerky is trimmed of excess fat and seasoned with natural ingredients before it is dried and packaged. A full 1oz serving of Vigil’s Carne Seca Jerky contains only 100 calories while providing 19 grams of protein and 15% of your daily Iron requirements. Vigil’s Beef Jerky is also low in Carbohydrates and most flavors contain little to no sugar

Many hikers pack jerky as a protein filled snack on long hikes. An article on Livestrong.com notes that beef jerky is a good post workout snack helping to provide the extra protein required by active individuals (http://www.livestrong.com/article/362333-is-beef-jerky-good-for-a-workout-routine/).


